design challenge 3
design Collaboration
One of the most important factors in the design process is collaboration. Sometimes problems are too complex to solve on our own. By working together, we can brainstorm and find better solutions. Instead of coming at a problem from one angle, design collaboration allows us to consider new perspectives and possibilities.
What are some tips for great collaboration?
Clear communication
Listen and repeat what your teammate just said, making sure you understood their idea
Ask for constructive feedback (it builds up, it doesn’t tear down)
Constructive feedback example: If you scissors instead of ripping pages by hand, then your craftsmanship will be improved.
Destructive feedback example: Your work looks awful, why did you rip the pages?!
Share your ideas
Share your ideas, but keep in mind that they are not better, just different.
You have been paired up with Design Buddies!
Team 1: Greg - Sammy - Marley
Team 2: Harriet - Evangeline - Freddy
Team 3: Mayela - Claire - Michael
This week, you will be working as a team. How? Thank you virtual world! You can text, email, face time, chat, etc. etc. etc.
What will you be doing?
You will brainstorm problems related to your current life situation.
On your sketchbook, write a list of all the problems you have because of COVID-19
Share what you wrote with each other
Is there a problem that you all have in common? If not, keep brainstorming until you find one.
Once you come up with a COMMON or SHARED problem, circle it or highlight it.
You will brainstorm solutions for your group problem using a mind map. Watch the video below on how to create a mind map.
Draw your mind map in your sketchbook
Your Problem should be written on the center of the page and the solutions will be the branches
Use color
Use fun writing (lettering)
Agree on your favorite solution as a group
You will work on your own to develop the solution you came up with as a team.
On a new sketchbook page, at the top, write the Solution as a Heading. Below the Solution, write the Problem as a Subheading. Headings are big, bold and capture the viewers eye. Subheadings are smaller and keep moving the reader towards the next body of information.
For example:
Going on Daily Nature Walks
Gives me the body and mental health I need
Below the Heading and Subheading you will draw and color an image of your solution.
For example:
Illustration by Shannon Abbey
You will work text or email me pictures of the following by next Thursday:
List of problems
Mind map
Drawing with Heading and Subheading