
Digital Art Mural

Project Description: Digital Art students at Memorial High School were tasked with creating a digital art mural for their school. Drawing inspiration from the artists who designed murals for Warby Parker stores across the USA, the students crafted their own versions, embodying the theme "All identities are celebrated at Vel Phillips Memorial High School."

Concepts explored: Design principles, diversity, identity

Techniques used: Digital tools (Adobe Illustrator or Photoshop), Drawing

Materials: Computer with digital tools, scanner, paper, pencil, colored pencils, ideation worksheet

Grades: 9th-12th

Resources used

Lesson Plan Slide Deck

Storytelling through Comics

Project Description: Advanced Drawing students at Memorial High School told their stories through comics after several weeks of learning about comic tips and experimenting with visual storytelling techniques.

Concepts explored: Visual Storytelling

Techniques used: Drawing, inking

Materials: Paper, non-photo pencils, inking pens

Grades: 9th-12th

Resources used

Lesson Plan Slide Deck

K-5 Sequential Art

Project Description: Students created comics to tell their stories and learned how sequential art has been used throughout history to tell stories.

Concepts explored: Sequential Art

Techniques used: Drawing, coloring, inking

Materials: 9x12” paper, colored pencils, sharpies, pencils

Grades: K-5th grade

Resources used: