bordando memorias

Bordando Memorias (Embroidering Memories) was a community art project led by Maria Amalia during her 2022-2023 art residency at Synergy Ventures Foundation. As a Latina immigrant, Maria Amalia is especially interested in making space for the exploration of others’ immigration journeys throughout her community art projects.

The art of embroidery has been used in Latin America for centuries. Embroidery has given women a platform to create surface designs for pleasure, business, therapy, and even protest. Inspired by Wisconsin’s native and invasive plants, Maria Amalia invited Latina immigrants to embroider flowers native to their countries and to Wisconsin as they shared memories of home.

The project culminated in an exhibition at Goodman South Madison Public Library featuring the embroidered self-portraits of some of the participants.

artist statements

Learn more about the Art Exhibition and the artists’ reflections by clicking on the button.

Although the project ended in 2023, the participants decided to continue the embroidery group and it’s now called Unidas por Hilos (United by Threads). Visit their project page for more information on how you can get involved!

Photo credit: BokehTum Photography, Mayela C. Torrez, and Maria Amalia

This project was supported in part by the Madison Arts Commission, the National Endowment for the Arts, Dane Arts, the Madison Public Library, UW-Madison Division of the Arts’ Artivism Student Action Program, and Synergy Ventures Foundation.

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